ClubsHappening Elsewhere

Levin Folk Music Club

The Levin Folk Music Club says “our venue is a local hall with easy access and ample parking.  We decorate the hall with wall hangings of historical and recent NZ Folk Festivals and posters of performers.  Along with the candles on the tables, these all create  a warm, welcoming atmosphere.”

Audience varies between 50-90 people on our main club night. The club night format (2nd Friday each month, except January) is to have an open blackboard concert with a broad range of acoustic/folk music for the first half, then supper at 8.45pm, followed by a high quality guest performer or band  (usually from outside our region) for about one hour to one and a half. Blackboard items are acoustic presentations and there is one item per blackboard slot.


A sound system and sound technician is available for blackboard performers.

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