Want to perform at Mainly Acoustic?

If you want to perform at Mainly Acoustic, the first step is to let us know.

We are always keen to hear new performers but we normally do one concert a month so, understandably, headliner spots are often booked months in advance. Concerts are held on the second Tuesday of each month so fitting the schedule of a touring artist may not always be possible.

Having said that, we usually have 2-3 unpaid support spots per month and they can be a great way to showcase your music. We are a club and our audience is there explicitly to listen to music. They are quiet and receptive, not like the chatty, noisy, disinterested crowds you can sometimes encounter down the local pub or bar.

If we've never heard you before, we would love some links to things you may have done. Your website, music Facebook page, YouTube channel, BandCamp or SoundCloud and that sort of thing.

A brief bio explaining who you are and what your music is about would be great, too.

What should be in your bio?

If you're a band, we'd love to see something like this. If you're a solo performer, adjust accordingly.

  • When did you form?
  • Who inspires you to do what you do?
  • Are the originals a group effort like U2, or does one person bring them ready to go - and who are the writers?
  • What do you write the songs about?
  • What aspirations do you have - if any?

You probably get the general idea. If you are playing one of the opening guest spots, try to keep your bio down to a couple of lines at most.


Send us some photos. Please make sure they are high resolution photos (300dpi) because, if they eventually end up on our printed concert flyers and posters, we'll need that sort of resolution.We would very much prefer it if the photos didn't have anything written on them.

Make sure the images say something about what your music sounds like. A photo of the band sitting around in someone's loungeroom may not be the best indicator of what you sound like.

For example, this photo of KToo, a duo performing NZ folk music from the rainy West Coast renders the concept behind the band quite well.


This is NOT a good photo. It is small, pixelated, low-res, has writing on it and basically, says nothing about your music.


But first and foremost, get in touch.


Bringing a Partner/Guest

As we rely entirely upon door sales for all our payments and expenses, we cannot allow anyone but scheduled performers in for free. However, we can allow each performer to have one guest at a 33% discount: i.e. $10 instead of $15.