Meetings and AGMs

Minutes of the Upper Hutt Mainly Acoustic Club AGM 2023

Date : 17h July 2023

Venue: The Cossie Club. Upper Hutt.

Time: 7.30 pm

Present: S Homer, L Homer, M Khalil, D Nabbs, V Cabrera, B Carter, F. Armstrong McIntosh, G. McIntosh, D. Ross, R. Ross, T. Thorpe, G Summers, P, Summers, M. Baines, B Smith, R Brown.

The President Fiona Armstrong McIntosh welcomed everybody.


P Lambert, B Vella, B Brown, R Brown

Moved: F Armstrong McIntosh.

Seconded: V Cabrera.

Carried: unanimous


Minutes of the AGM 2022

These were read by the Administrator.

M Baines proposed that they were a true and accurate record.

D Nabbs seconded the motion.


Matters Arising


President's Report

F. Armstrong McIntosh read her report.

The Administrator S Homer thanked her on behalf of the committee for doing a fabulous job. She adapted quickly to her role as president and her wonderful knowledge of the

 Wellington music scene is always a great help during our meetings.

The report was proposed and accepted. B Carter.

Seconded: D Ross



Treasurer's Report

  1. Summers presented a summary of the club's finances.

S Homer thanked her on behalf of the committee. G Summers was also thanked for his help in finding where the $47.00 extra had come from. The $730.85 event income was also discussed at some length and was explained as the money The Nukes returned when they did not use it for their air fares

M Baines proposed that the financial summary be accepted.

Seconded: R Brown

The financial summary was accepted. [unanimous]

Election of Executive Officers

  1. Homer explained that all the present committee are happy to remain and therefore no extra nominations are required.

Nominations for 2023/24

All the following have been nominated and seconded . They have happily accepted.

President Fiona Armstrong McIntosh

Vice President Vince Cabrera

Treasurer Jan Summers

Administrator Sheryl Homer

All elected.


Election of Committee


Barry Carter

Bill Vella

Paul Lambert

Mike Baines

Diane Ross

All elected.


Membership Fee

The President proposed that the membership fee remain the same.

Seconded: B Carter

Carried-unanimous. The membership fee will therefore remain at:


$25.00 couple

After our February meeting the fees will be reduced to $20.00 double and $10.00 single.



Special Business

  • The President thanked everyone for attending. M Khalil is resigning from the committee. F. Armstrong McIntosh presented Mary with a beautiful bunch of flowers in recognition of all her hard work and commitment during her many years on the committee.
  • B Smith expressed his concern that we are not getting as many people attending our club nights. He feels that we are not providing enough variety. A discussion followed and it was explained how we choose the performers for our club.nights.The president explained to B Smith that many of the older generation that he mentioned that were no longer attending our club nights have health issues which is why they don't come to our meetings. Also that Covid has impacted on people attending our club nights and that some people are still reluctant to go to larger gatherings, B Smith was invited to join the committee so he could put forward some constructive ideas that would benefit us. He declined.
  • Roz Brown who has been a member for a long time was very enthusiastic about our club nights. She had invited a group of friends to hear Karen Clark. They all enjoyed the evening and they are keen to support us and attend future events.
  • T Thorpe suggested that we need to keep a more accurate record of the numbers attending and determine if they are members or non members. J Summers replied that she usually does this and mostly those attending are half members and half non members.
  • People were told that membership would be taken if people had the correct money.
  • R Ross won the lucky draw for free membership. We will need to reimburse him as he has already paid his membership fee.

The meeting closed at 8.05pm.