Newsletters and Reports

President’s Patter: August 2022

Greetings folks and hope all is well with you and yours and that this wet,windy wintry month hasn’t dampened your spirits.

Those of you who made it to our July ‘ Grab a Spot ‘ concert were well entertained by a splendid variety of musicians .
Always lovely to have founder of the club Kevin Meehan on our stage along with others including our sound men Barry Carter and Bill Vella, and our Vice President Vince Cabrera. Nicole Chesterman Kircher proved to us that instruments were not always essential and she performed A Cappella. It was fantastic evening.

On the 18th of July, we had a good turn out for our A.G.M.

It was my pleasure, on behalf of our committee to thank and present Mary Khalil with a floral bouquet and a selection of red wine for her service and dedication as President for the past five years. I’m delighted to inform that she is remaining on our committee.

It is that time of year again…time to renew club membership, and you can do that at the door when you come to our next club night or thereafter.

We thank those of you who continue to come out and support us during these colder and unsettled times. Music is, as you know, so good for the soul and we promise you another wonderful evening on Tuesday 9th August.

Warmest Regards